What a day I had with my sister on Monday and my arms are about ready to fall off they are so sore. I feel like I have done lunges with my arms. We clean this house in Alpine every Tuesday and it has 7 bathrooms and it takes us 3 hours. It's not bad because it's already clean, but the owners asked us if we could clean their cabin up in Heber in Timberlakes on Monday, so we decided to give it a try.
The weather was kinda cloudy and rainy, but as we got to the dirt road all the sudden we were in a snow storm and the road was packed. A window cleaning guy was coming the same time to do their windows and up ahead we could see him sliding all over and barely moving, so we thought maybe if we go a little faster we could catch up to him, but once we slowed down we started sliding. We could not make it any further. Snow was coming down like crazy! We seriously could not make it up this hill and we had no phone service. Well the window cleaning guy started backing up slowing, so we did too. We had to back up a long ways. We finally got turned around and made it back to the office. We had to call the owners to see what he wanted us to do. He decided to come and get us and the window guy. How embarrassing!!!!!!! His car made it up just fine and we were there in no time.
Thinking that their house takes 3 hours to clean we thought we would be home before 1 or 2. Well...... we were wrong. It's a brand new cabin and there was dust, paint, and caulk everywhere. The hours kept ticking by and the bathrooms were slowly coming to an end (7 of them) and by the time we were done we were dead and hungry. They did have big windows and we could see the snow coming down. It was beautiful and for a second I felt the Christmas season. This cabin was huge and really cool. There was this one room with 4 single beds lined up(just enough for the beds)and it was our favorite room. This would have been a fun room to have sleep overs with all your friends.
The cabin was full of log cabin furniture and big fat log beams everywhere that I bumped my head on one time. When I get rich(Okay I said "When" and not "If" I'm trying to be positive here) I want a cabin just like this one. Well by the time we were done it was dark outside(5). We left our house about 8:15am and got home close to 6pm. I called my kids to let them know I was coming home and could not deal with a messy house so to get busy. The kitchen was clean, but dinner was not cooked, laundry piled to the ceiling and the family room a disaster. So I told myself..okay, just one more hour then I can take a bath and lay on my bed and watch a show I had taped. Ahhhh.... I hurried as fast as I could and was in heaven when I reached my bed except for one thing, I had no chocolate in the house and had not had any all day and not much food too. I was way too tired to do anything about it, so I told myself I would just eat a big breakfast in the morning before we go clean the owners house and another one cause it would be Tuesday.
It's Wednesday now and I'm glad Monday and Tuesday are over with. I might have to sit at the computer all day so I don't have to lift my arms. Sounds good to me. So, I am grateful for today and I have no cleaning to do (Except for my house.... Nah, that's not going to happen.) I do feel bad for my sister Joni tho, she has 4 houses to clean with my other sister Shari today. Sorry Joni, hope it goes okay. I told her I would call her if I'm not doing Christmas lights with Andy. I might need some help holding up my arms to put lights on trees tho. Wow this is turning into a very long post, it's been a very long 2 days and I'm grateful they are over with.